
Learn More About Our Work And Our Cultural Activities

Great Founder of H.E.S.S

In the late 1950's HAPPY ENGLISH SCHOOL SOCIETY'S founder Late Mr. R.S.P.C. Khungar, a sensitive and a visionary man decided to establish an institution commemorating the society's excellence, human values, heritage culture, dynamic education, progressive institute to provide generations, a right path to go on. What could be better (for him) than to establish a school in National Capital. As he felt, the need for a school which would keep alive the best of culture & heritage by providing suitable facilities for the children to imbibe it. At the same time these traditions would have been to be combine with those of the new independent India. This was the era of idealism & people were beginning to think in terms of a nation rather than a mere state or region:-

Then there the H.E.S. Society was found in 1954 under the dynamic & progressive leadership of Late Mr. R.S.P.C. Khungar, (The Founder Person) One of its cultural tenets was to establish a School in the Progressive area of Trans Yamuna where both English Hindi is the Media of instructions.

Late Mr. R.S.P.C. Khungar

Founder (1937-1977)


Mrs. S. Khungar served the institution during the period from 1977 to 1987, worked hard by heart soul. She paid valuable contribution by running this institute in two shifts during her tenure. She is also an unforgettable person who served her best for the bright future of students not only of the locality of Geeta Colony and Shiv Puri but all over Trans-Yamuna.

Late Mrs. S. Khungar

Fromer-Principal (1977-1987)

Principal's Message

Our Motto: "Shiksha Dhyey Hamara"

The most precious pearl that a human can possess in his life is education. It not only acts as a strength but brings enormous changes in its personality. In today's competitive world of education, an achiever School is one that believes in excellence, where parents have full faith in its staff, strategies and systems. Our aim of running Academic Institution is to provide quality education and pursuit of excellence in all fields and in life itself. Also, to enlarge the mental horizons and broaden the outlook of Students through training in co-operation, consideration, team spirit & service.

Building do not make Schools, it is the pupils and their pursuit of knowledge which make the soul of a School and the healthy roots of a nation are planted here. Remember, Rome was not built in a day and each big task always starts with the first step.

The prospectus hopefully shall convey a fairly good idea about the spirit with which we work to enlighten the young aspirants, with all humble submission before the God Almighty who has obliged us to do so.

Principal Desk

Working in a challenging and dynamic domain for a conducive work atmosphere and growth of students, Mr. D. Deepak for the past three decades, has led the School responsibly by augmenting high performing teams, managing diverse functions of administration and public dealing.An alumnus of Delhi University, his proficiency has assiduously aided the management in planning and executing a robust budget without compromising the safe and healthy environment of the School. He has been instrumental in Effectively Conceptualize, Planning and Executing Administrative , Academic and Co-Curricular activities. Well equipped with Managerial skills and leadership qualities, his dynamic persona has been inspirational in introducing Pedagogical changes and creating a vibrant Teaching and Learning Environment. Having 30 fruitful years of experience as an Educationist, he has proudly shouldered the responsibility of the Holistic Development of Staff Members along with above 2600 Students of Happy English School. Under his able guidance the school has made immense progress.


Mr. D. Deepak
